Friday, August 14, 2009

On Kelly's Pond

Remember this pond? The picture of the heron a week or so ago! Well, I drive by it every time I want to go to Torrington, which is about every other day! One day last week I saw these Canada Geese and the heron & decided to stop & try for a few photos.......

the geese..... The heron....

The heron flying over the geese.....

See? The heron was just moving to another rock in the pond.....


Life's a Beach! said...

Cool photos Ann. From my experience over at the park on my bike, herons seem to spook easily and fly to another spot when they see me. But not Canadian geese. They're hard to get rid of! HA!
I really like that last shot!

Ann said...

Thanks, Becky--I had to creep up to take the photos & the heron flew away quickly!

Sue said...

Bet the heron would have loved to bump a few geese off that rock if he could have. Great pictures!

Jackie said...

Nice photos of the wildlife in your neck of the woods. Lots of geese around here but I don't get to see herons.

Isla Deb said...

Wow...I envy you those ponds! All our lakes and ponds are bone dry around here. Before I moved, I had to pass a lake they used for water skiing every day on the way to work. That lake is gone now...completely dried up. Great photos!