Friday, September 30, 2011

Photo Challenge #4 Circles

This week's photo challenge is circles--I immediately thought of these pictures I had taken earlier this year at my husbands business.  He & his cousin made the tough decision in June to close their family business, Torrington Casting after 91 years ( they are the 3rd generation to run it).  It was a brass foundry specializing in plumbing fixtures. 
A few more photos that fit into the category.  So many circles in the shop!
Camera--Canon EOS Rebel XSi
ISO 400
Focal length 71.5mm
Aperture 4.63
Exposure .0167s
F- f/5

Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier
Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier

Thursday, September 29, 2011

At the Big E!--State Buildings

The full name of the Big E is the Eastern States Exposition and each state in New England has a permanent building on the grounds and a special day i.e. " Connecticut Day" during the fair.  Above is the Massachusetts building.  Each building had food & crafts pertaining to their state--like Ben & Jerry's in VT, baked potatoes in ME and clam "chowda" in several!
Inside the Connecticut building there are booths from many companies that are based in the state; like Lego.
And lots of  Legos for the kids to  play with
Quite a few CT authors were there hoping you would buy their book & they would autograph it for you
Timex is located here & they were selling watches
In the Massachusetts building they had a large poster of a park passport--I was amazed at how many of the parks I had been to all over the state--thanks, Mom & Dad for taking us to so many places when we were growing up!
In the Rhode Island building they had a display of what looked like carved pumpkins in the foyer, when you get a little closer you can see that it is decals or paint--very well done though.
here's a closeup....
Saving the Maine building for another day! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Butter Sculptures & Beef

Last Friday I went to the Big E ( Eastern States Exposition) The Big E  in West Springfield, MA. it's called New England's largest fair--all the states in NE are represented!  I hadn't gone in years & I convinced one of my friends we should go--that wasn't too hard since she knew her nephew would be there showing his cattle.
 The butter sculptures were right outside the Mallory Center where the beef showing was held.
 Sorry for the glare off the glass, but aren't these interesting?  The guy was inside the glass case working on these when I took the photos--all the tiny curls that make up the sheep's fur are amazing!  not sure what the girls in the background is doing!
 Here's one of the classes being judged and a photo of one of Alex's Charolais
More to come!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Macro Monday

 We were starting our "winterization" yesterday ( putting away lawn furniture, changing screens for storm doors, etc) and I spotted this caterpillar crawling around in the mulch.
 Of course when I brought out my camera the dog had to see what was so interesting & it curled up in a ball!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo Challenge--week #3 Toys

 Our dog, Rafe has more toys than anyone else around here.  You can find them all over the yard & in the woods.  His favorite at the present time is a plush gingerbread man.    There are also soccer balls, frisbees and a few other stuffed animals--the stuffed animals are the only ones allowed in the house!

camera--Canon Powershot G12
ISO 800
Exposure 0.125 sec
Aperture f4.0
Focal Length 21.5 mm
added the second photo so you could see the piping on the gingerbread man!
Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bumper Crop!

 Been harvesting lots out of the garden in the last week--these 3 butternut squashes and at least that many zucchinis..
 Too many to count Matt's Wild Cherries
 And the show isn't just in the vegetable garden.....the flowers are having a growth spurt, too.  Echinacea...
 And this rose bush is on it's 3rd go round of blooms!
 And this one is showing new flowers too!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quick Road Trip

 Yesterday one of my friends had to make a quick trip to NYC ( Brooklyn, actually) for a project she's working on & since it was a beautiful day, I went along to keep her company.  So we went from this--the cows to this beautiful skyline in 2 short hours!
 Of course not without paying the toll--$6.50 each way!
 Another skyline shot.
Only stayed long enough to go to the book binding store so Ginny could get what she needed ( I got a few archival storage boxes that will be great for all the old family photos I acquired recently) and then headed home.    Back over the Whitestone Bridge again  ( and the $6.50 toll!) 

Stopped for lunch once we got out of the city & then at a great bakery for a cannoli just before we got back into CT.  It was a fun day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Macro Monday -- late bloomer

 I bought this hibiscus plant earlier in the summer-- really wanted one since they remind me so much of Mexico.  I will be bringing it inside soon & hoping it over winters OK.  It's still blooming quite a bit & I hope it keeps up!  I know this doesn't look like the same flower ( the color looks different)  but it is....must be the lighting!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Photo Challenge--Shoes

Someone whose blog I follow,  Kimberly Gauthier has teamed up with  another blogger & is having an 8 week photo challenge.  So I thought I'd try it out.  This weeks challenge is shoes.  So I thought I'd be a little different & post a photo of horseshoes!    These shoes are on some beautiful Percheron draft horses.
The photo was taken  with a Canon Digital Rebel--a few years ago , so I don't have any info on the settings

Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier

Through the Lens of Kimberly Gauthier

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weather's Turning...Fall is in the Air!

 The goldenrod is blooming..,,,,,not a pretty site if it makes you sneeze!
 Then saw some trees that the leaves were changing
 And the hydrangeas are turning colors......
 And the cat & dog are spending more time curling up together!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Bison Photos

 The bison are back in the field opposite our driveway & in the late afternoon  they aim for the shade close to the road.  When I go to get the mail I stop & watch them for a  few minutes.
 I took a few videos and put them on YouTube--here's a link Mohawk Bison
 They are a little skittish--when I got too close to the fence they galloped away!  Most of the photos  were taken & then cropped.