Saturday, April 30, 2011

No Photos today

Off to NYC in a little while to see the cherry blossoms & other flowers!  Loaded down with cameras, so I should have lots of photos to share when I get back .  Then off to MA to my Moms & then to the Cape to see my Aunt--it will be a whirlwind week!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Gate but no Fence!

When we had horses this was one of the gates into the pasture area.  All of the rest of the fencing was taken down...really don't remember why this was left !  Certainly it's not keeping anything in or out!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Ho-Hum Day.....

A pretty gloomy day, it's humid  and drizzly.  But the flowers are starting to bloom!  Here's the beginning of a beautiful tulip--should open any day!
 And this is a  Lenten Rose or Helleborus
 And more daffodils-so nice to see this color in an otherwise drab landscape!  The forsythia is blooming in the area, but we don't have any on our property.  Going to Moms & then the Cape in a few days...gotta get organized!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bloodroot--a year later!

Bloodroot is a North American native perennial herb found growing in shaded, moist, rich woodlands from Quebec south to Florida and west to Kansas. Bloodroot grows to about 6 to 7 inches tall.  The pale green, palmate, lobed, basal leaf is wrapped around the flower as it emerges and opens as the flowers blooms. The stem of Bloodroot is round, often orange or red when mature, it is topped by a single white flower with 8 to 12 petals and bright yellow center. The root is a thick, tender, tuber which contains a red juice that stains the skin readily. Gather root when flowers are in bloom. Dry the roots for later use or tincture fresh. Bloodroot is endangered and should be cultivated. Do not harvest from the wild.
 Last year I posted photos of this growing in my yard & someone commented that it was bloodroot!
April 2010 post -bloodroot--so now I know what it is!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Macro Monday

Photo from 2008; they will be blooming soon! ( Columbine or Aquilegia)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

An old photo 
( 1956) of my sister Judie & me--posing in our Easter finery by the chain link fence ( ?) in the back yard.   We look real happy, don't we?   Not exactly sure what date Easter was that year, but my brother had been born on April 9th & there was a big snowstorm that day so it must have been later in the month!
Have a wonderful day !

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bottoms Up!

Yesterday we watched this swan gliding around the pond at White Memorial Conservation Center.  
 Every once in awhile he(she) would gracefully stretch it's neck & stick it's head under water & then flip it body .  All I could think of was synchronized swimmers!
 I half expected it was going to start twirling around like they do!
 Feet almost out of the water....
 And back upright again!  My friend took a  video that I posted right after this.

Bottoms Up!--the video

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A few words Wednesday...

I was going to call this post whiny Wednesday, but decided against it.  I have been having computer problems since saturday & just got it back yesterday afternoon.  What wasn't working has been fixed, but a few new things have popped up on IE.  Onward and upward!
I went  to Litchfield to White Memorial Conservation Center with one of my friends yesterday & got some great photos that I will be sharing over the next few days.  Here's one to tide you over til tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Slow Start to Spring!

I think CT is about a week or 2 behind in spring!  Flowers that were blooming last year at this time  are just starting to pop open. 
My main computer is in the shop getting fixed--that's where I store most photo.  But I have my trusty Netbook to use while it's out of commission!
And of course, I'm always looking for stuff that is on the other computer !  Hoping tp get out today for awhile to take some new photos!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Macro Monday

Or I guess it could be monochrome Monday also!
Happy Patriots Day to all my Massachusetts neighbors!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dawn of a New Day

Taken out my back door--such a beautiful color!  Hope the day is as beautiful--the sun is out so that's a plus!
Have a sparkling day!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Harbinger of Spring

Harbinger:  to act as harbinger to; herald the coming of; synonyms: herald, forerunner, percursor, indication....
This is the 1st new color after the croci--it's just a weed I think growing up through the dried leaves in a gully on our property, but I like it.
Next will be the daffodils!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


One of the places we spend time on the beach is at Buho's & Maria del Mar.  They have really done alot to fix up the area in the past year.
Waiting to see if they have started showing movies yet....
A whole new beach bar , restaurant & palapa area has been built!
You can't see it in these photos but there's a new bar all the way to the back on the right hand sidetoo --for the restaurant area.
Before it gets busy!
New hammock & bed area
another view

Monday, April 11, 2011

Macro Monday

Love this macro photo--taken of one of my roses

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Today is my brother Tom's birthday....he's somewhere in his mid 50's--if I thought about it, I'd know exactly, but I know that he's younger than me!  here we are with our sister Judie , Easter 1957.  OK, so that makes him 55.....( I'm the one in the striped skirt)
 One of my favorite photos of him & his daughter, Julia--taken at Salisbury Beach, MA about 12 years ago
 And a year or so ago the two of us kayaking on the Merrimack River--his house sits on the banks of this river & they all go layaking whenever they can!  It was a fun day, right up until I tried to gracefully get out of the kayak at their house & fell into the river!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rafe, Our Wonderful Lab! post #2

I know this is another post about the dog--I found this photo from when we first brought him home--he's so tiny--now over 100 lbs!
Today is our lab, Rafe's 9th birthday!  It took alot to get him to this birthday, starting at 6 months old when he ate rocks too big to pass thru his intestines and had to have surgery ( twice) to remove them!  Then he wore a muzzle for almost a year !  Luckily as he grew his intestines did to!
Now up to his 9th year, we found out he is diabetic & now gets insulin shots twice a day...But we wouldn't trade him for anything!  Happy Birthday !

Rafe is turning 9 today!

Its Rafe's birthday!

Rafe--our lab --the early years

Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Oldie but Goodie

Not in a blogging frame of mind today, so I looked for an older photo that I really liked....came up with this one!  Have been off & on the phone today with lots of people concerning my Aunt -- the one that's 97 yrs. old--who's in the hospital on the Cape--she's being very feisty & wants to go home--the hospital & the director of the place she lives want her to stay in the hospital one more day......they will prevail in the end, but she's not making it easy for them!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just a few words Wednesday

The thought that popped into my head when I looked at this photo on the computer was
"Are you looking at me?'

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eduardo's Art

One of the young men that work at SeaHawk Divers has started doing papier mache in his down time at work.  When we were on Isla in January these were the pieces he was working on.  First, a turtle--the close to being finished project.
When he was starting to paint it.  he works on them in front of the shop so you can see them when you go by......
A few days before we left he started working on a hammerhead shark--here's a few photos of the metal frame.
So far, he has been making these to give to friends; would like to have him do something small so we could bring it home!  Maybe next year!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Macro Monday

The snow is gone around the croci ( I think that's the correct plural), but we still have plenty around the yard! 
 Yesterday the sun was out, but it was very windy, so we still the the woodstove cranking out some BTU's.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Birds on the Beach

I realized the other day that I never finished posting pictures from our Jan/Feb vacation on Isla.  And now that we're hoping to go back in June, I thought I'd better get them up!
I went  a few mornings( 6:30 or so) up to Buho's to walk along Playa Norte.  Not much activity except for the birds and a few joggers!  A very peaceful time of the day.....

Friday, April 1, 2011

Early Spring Snow

* I guess I was was really wishing it was late spring, but it really is only EARLY spring!  So I changed the title
It's snowing pretty hard right now!  I will say I do like the way it looks--not all the dirty snow we had a few days ago. 
 Hopefully it will all melt quickly!
 Supposed to get to the 50's tomorrow--hope the croci will be OK under the snow!