Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Glad the month of May is over! June can only be less hectic........please! Early in the month my brother broke his foot at work --dropped a steel beam on it--out of work for at least 8 weeks! last week my Mom had a mild heart attack, in the hospital 3 days & then home. She has decided to start looking at assisted living in her area & I will be going up to help. Since Tom is still home, he'll be able to go with us, too.

I did the fewest number of posts last month that i've done since I started my blog. Hope to get back up in the 20's again this month!


Vee said...

Hope June will bring calmer weather your way, Ann - although don't forget what today is. Happy Hurricane Season!

Kimberly said...

Welcome back! I'm hoping June is great for you.

I love May, because it's my birthday month, but that's back in the beginning. I have a huge feeling that June is going to be fantastic. I promise!!!


Life's a Beach! said...

Ann, so sorry to hear about your mom and brother. When it rains it pours! I'm not looking forward to trying to get my mother to move from her house, and I know the day is coming. Take care!