Today was the 1st day of Tomatomania at White Flower Farm & I arrived, list in hand, about 10 minutes before they let people in to shop. I learned to go on their website beforehand & narrow down my choices!
They have these great wagons for you to put you purchases on & the plastic containers to hold the plants ( that way you buy more). They have over 100 varieties of tomatoes & also squash, cukes, eggplant & herbs.
There was quite a rush right at the beginning & lots of people wandering up & down the rows trying to decide what to get! There were lots of WFF employees scattered around to answer questions.
Every plant had these great signs that described the plant--how large it gets , how long it takes to grow, etc. I stayed for one of the lectures about growing tomatoes & other veggies-it was very informative! Barb Pierson ( the nursery manager at WFF) gave the talk --- she's a friend of mine & a fellow Islaholic!
Now to plant all I bought!
We tried growing tomatoes once here and the plants just burned up. Guess I just need to buy the candle that smells like fresh tomatoes!
That might be what you need! Our summer is usually so unpredictable that we never know how stuff is going to grow and now my main garden is very shaded by tall pines so anything that needs lots of sun can't be planted there!
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